Get Your Dad a Free Father’s Day Breakfast at IKEA

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19, 2011. Have you figured out how you are going to celebrate that day with your Dad? Many families enjoy a special meal together on Father’s Day. If you want to do something a little different, then take your dad to IKEA, and get him a free breakfast. IKEA is an incredibly unique place to shop from. A lot of their furniture comes in pieces, which requires you to be industrious and learn how to put it together after you get home. Their products are named in Swedish, and, I don’t know about you, but … Continue reading

My Reasons: Why I Like Ikea

So yesterday I started talking about our recent trip to Ikea and some of the reasons that I really like that place. It is strange for me to say that about any retail store, because as the Duggars say, I like to “buy used and save the difference.” Still, when we really needed to get some furniture for our oldest son’s room in order to help him be more organized, we were able to get what we need as well as a few surprises. So here are my main reasons why I like Ikea. The items are low priced and … Continue reading

Why I Like Ikea

Normally I try to stay away from retail stores. Spending money is spending money. Don’t get me started on Target. While there are plenty of great deals and bargains at Target, it is also too easy for me to pick up extra things and spend. Still, I think I am going to make an exception for Ikea. At least with this store, much of the merchandise is oversized, so there is only so much that you can take home with you, right? Yesterday, my family and I took a trip to our local Ikea, and I think I am hooked. … Continue reading

How to Decorate for Less

You’d like a showcase worthy home, but you just can’t or won’t spend thousands of dollars for great pieces to make a room. Here are some tips that you can use to bring down the cost of decorating your home. I’ll give you specific examples for different areas and how you can save on each one. Lighting Lighting can be different things, depending on the room and even the area of a room. Lighting can be practical, such as task lighting, or mood setting. You can use lighting to attract or enhance different elements. But lighting is definitely one of … Continue reading

Great Frugal New Year Resolutions

What are your New Year resolutions? The number one resolution overall, according to most of the poles is to get fit. While I do need to work on that one as well, most of my resolutions are centered around living frugally. Here are some great frugal resolutions that anyone can keep! Stop Paying for Things We Don’t Use From extra channels on the cable bill to seldom-used gym memberships to extra bank fees, there are a number of things that we pay for out of habit or because we don’t even think about them. One of my resolutions is to … Continue reading

Elul: The King is in the Field

So many of us have caught the election bug, following whichever convention appeals most to our political views, reading blogs, watching the news for speeches and comments from our favorite (or least favorite) candidate. Both candidates want to seem likeable, approachable, like regular guys (in Jewish speak, “Heimishe”). They shake hands, kiss babies, meet with people who, if they had their choice, they wouldn’t even want to talk to, all to send the message “I am the kind of person you can talk to and get along with.” While the month of Elul, the month leading up to the Jewish … Continue reading

Friends: His, Hers, and Ours

Going out with other couples or having guests over to your house is not always fun and easy when you are married. Just because you have a group of friends that you hold dear does not mean that your husband will feel the same about them. My husband and I graduated from the same high school during the same year. We know mainly the same people from school. We dated beginning our sophomore year and basically had the same friends. However, after high school we attended two different colleges and now work in two different schools. Therefore our friends are … Continue reading

Author Challenges The Obsession with Obesity

In her book, Rethinking Thin Gina Kolata argues that being fat is not something that people have control over. A researcher asked the question: Would you rather be fat or blind? Kolata, a science reporter for The New York Times, shares the answers to the researcher’s question. 89 percent of respondents to this question all agreed that they would rather lose their sight than be fat. When you’re blind, people want to help you. No one wants to help you when you’re fat. The idea that people would rather be blind than fat is shocking, but once you start reading … Continue reading

Dogs: A Doll’s Best Friend?

The living room in the “Dog Catcher’s House.” Photo courtesy of Christine Verstraete and used with her permission. I personally know the following interviewee, Christine Verstraete. We met online several years back, drawn together by our mutual passion for writing. However, Chris has another talent I’ve always admired: making miniatures! When she posts new pics of her creations online, she always lets me know so I can go ooh and ahh over them. She’s currently working on putting together a book about dogs and dolls and the artists who make them. It got me thinking about a pattern I noticed … Continue reading

Bath Time Fun

Tired of the old bath time routine? Me too! If you need a couple of quick and easy ways to spice of the watery experience, look no further. Here are several exciting ways you can make tub time more enjoyable and memorable tonight! Take a handful of those simple tea light candles, you know, the ones in those handy round little silver nests that IKEA, Pier 1 and other stores sell by the bag full, and position them safely around the bathroom. Only set the candles in places where they can be seen but not touched by your little bundles … Continue reading